List of Patents

Name of the InventorTitle of the InventionShort Description
Ishmeet Singh Riar, Avinash R. Vaidya, Suman WadkarBeam Steerable Antenna for Wireless Communication TechnologyWith applications in radar, satellite, and localization technologies, beam steering antennas have become a vital component of current wireless communication systems. In the proposed design, a novel high gain beam steerable dielectric loaded Microstrip Antenna (MSA) is designed and simulated. The metallic cilia under the influence of magnetic field are tilted in four different directions (left, right, towards and away from feed location) at various angles like 10°, 30°, 45° and 60° which results in proportionate beam tilting.
Pragnesh Narendra ShahIntelligent Electrical Vehicles (IEV) Charging (No need of charging stations)The proposed system is degigned to charge the Intelligent Electric Vehicles without need of the charging stations
Dr. P S Goyal,
Bhakti Hirani
A method of Manufacturing a MembraneThe present invention relates to a method for manufacturing a membrane. More particularly, the present invention relates to a method for manufacturing a membrane-embedded with carbon nanotubes.

List of Copyrights

Name of the InventorTitle of the InventionShort Description
Dhiraj AminASK: web app for digital mentoring ( (Attitude Skills and Knowledge) portal provides virtual mentoring platforms to mentor and mentee for periodic interaction and managing academic and non academic information. ASK provides mentor (faculty) and mentee (student) with a web application for interaction and storage of vital information.
Amol KharatAMS: Web app for Management of various academic activitiesAcademic Management System (AMS) is a web enabled application software for management of various academic activities of the Pillai College of Engineering. The system caters to the requirements of different users: Principal of the institute, Head of the departments, Faculty members and Administrators for performing their assigned tasks. The software is developed using the latest Internet technologies such as .Net platform and SQL server. This web based system allows to record student attendance, internal assessment marks, assignments, etc. based on which reports are generated for defaulter students. The system is user friendly and can be accessed ubiquitously. The online capabilities of the system allow the faculty members and administrators to publish and retrieve the information from their respective disciplines.
Sushopti Gawadee-Krishimitra website www.ekrishimitra.orgIntegrated platform for Agriculture services through web interface
Sushopti Gawadee-Krishimitra Mobile AppIntegrated platform for Agriculture services through mobile app
Sushopti GawadeGRAD- Grape Disease Management using IOT with Web InterfaceWeb interface for grape disease management
Sushopti GawadeDataset Creation / Contents of Database through survey for students during COVID 19 in IndiaDataset creation
Sushopti Gawade, Gayatri HegdeMySmartBuddy: Personal voice control assistant mobile app for blind peopleMySmartBuddy Mobile app for blind people
Sushopti Gawade, Gayatri Hegde, Pallavi M., Leenata P.Dataset preparation to know the use of WHATSAPP during pandemic for e-LearningDataset Creation